Teeth are the letter of introduction of our smile and give us security when speaking and smiling. The main factor is the state of health of the teeth, but in terms of aesthetics, color is essential. There are different factors that influence them to darken, from age to certain foods: The darkening of teeth not only occurs naturally over time, but also the wear and friction between them produces in many cases small traumas that alter the appearance of the tooth. As for food, wine (both red and white, although especially the former) due to its acidity and the presence of tannins and chromogens, gives a purple tone and darkens the teeth; coffee also due to its high concentration of chromogens and its high daily consumption by most of the population. Sugary, energy and carbonated drinks are one of the great enemies for the good appearance of teeth, apart from the threat they pose to the appearance of cavities. Energy drinks also have a high acid content and mainly affect the enamel. In both children and adults, to prevent tooth decay, the use of toothpaste containing fluoride can also have an adverse effect: Appearance of stains on permanent teeth. Although on occasion it can cause some pain (it can cause some sensitivity to cold, sweets and acidic foods, although it disappears after a few days and there are special gels to prevent it), teeth whitening is not a painful experience. It is a non-invasive treatment that is also performed in a short time. Whitening is not a lifelong treatment, but if a series of recommendations and habits are followed, it can last a long time once we reach the tone we want. Teeth whitening can eliminate most dental stains, especially the discolorations that occur in the outermost layer of the tooth, the enamel, but it should always be done under the supervision of a dentist, who will be the one who will assess whether it is appropriate or not. of teeth whitening and what the planning of the sessions will be.