Although the most specific recommendations for each person are offered by the professional who performed the surgery, we have summarized a series of general care and hygiene guidelines: DIET: You should wait at least 2 hours after surgery to start drinking or eating something. Once this period has passed, we recommend that you follow a soft, cold diet for the rest of the day, avoiding chewing on the operated area; Although you should drink plenty of liquids and cold drinks are recommended, it is important that you do not drink alcohol. MOUTHWASHES: Do not rinse your mouth or spit immediately after the procedure. This can destroy the clot or cause the stitches to fall out and cause more bleeding; The special rinses prescribed by the doctor (chamomile, antibacterial, etc.) must be carried out gently as indicated by the specialist, the rinses for normal use are recommended to be done 5 to 7 days after the intervention. TOOTH BRUSHING: On the same day of surgery you should avoid brushing. However, starting the next day you can start brushing your teeth gently. Of course, it is important that you do not brush the area of the mouth that has been operated on. BLEEDING: Surgery causes bleeding that can continue for 24-48 hours afterwards. To help control it, place a gauze pad over the bleeding area, bite it to hold it in place, and change it when necessary; If the bleeding does not decrease, it is important that you avoid all physical activity and sit down to rest. Do not lie down completely to sleep, since the first night it is recommended that you keep your head as elevated as possible. If the bleeding does not stop after 48 hours, contact the surgeon who performed the procedure. INFLAMMATION: It is common for inflammation to persist for 48-72 hours after the intervention. To relieve swelling, apply a cold compress with light pressure to the affected area. Although it is also possible to apply ice, prolonged use can cause skin burns. Therefore, if this option is chosen, it is preferable to apply it in 10-minute intervals and then rest for the same period of time. PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: On the day of surgery it is important that you rest as much as possible. If you practice any sport regularly, we recommend that you suspend the activity for a week. In this way, we will avoid unforeseen complications related to bleeding, inflammation or pain. In addition to the previous care, it is also important to: - Responsibly follow the medication given by the surgeon. - Do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. - Do not receive heat or heat sources directly. - Perform rigorous oral hygiene. - Attend post-surgical control.